1. Focusing thinking
Buy now
Learn more
1. Introduction to the course
Image: My model of a Learning Episode
2. The benefits of online courses
3. Getting the most out of the course
4. Where are you at?
Three theories
1. A word of warning
2. A simple model of memory
3. Learning is a change in long-term memory
Research: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work
4. Cognitive Load Theory
5. Cognitive overload
6. A common misunderstanding
7. Two criticisms of Cognitive Load Theory
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 1
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 2
Podcast: Jules Daulby
8. Cognitive Load Theory in other subjects
Document: Cognitive load theory in practice
9. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
10. Dual-Coding Theory
11. Do you want to know more?
Five big lessons
Lesson 1 - the difference between learning and performance
Research: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review
Lesson 2 - problem solving may not be an effective learning strategy
Research: Consequences of history-cued and means-end strategies in problem solving
Lesson 3 - working memory needs to be filled with the right stuff
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Lesson 4 - successful thinking requires knowledge in long-term memory
Research: ACT: A simple theory of complex cognition
Lesson 5 - silly mistakes might not be silly
Five big lessons - reflection
Practical changes: introduction
The modality principle
1. The modality principle - what is the problem?
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
2. The modality principle - what is the solution?
Link: Tim Brzezinski's GeoGebra resources
Link: mathwarehouse.com
3. Does this mean we cannot write things down???
Split-attention effect: introduction
Introduction to the Split-Attention Effect
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
Split-attention effect: text and diagrams
1. Text and diagrams - the problem
Resource: AQA GCSE topic tests
2. Text and diagrams - the solution?
3. The modality principle and split-attention effect combined
Split-attention effect: useful talk
1. Useful talk - the problem
2. Useful talk - the solution?
Split-attention effect: teacher movement
1. Movement - the problem
2. Movement - the solution?
Split-attention effect: summary
Split-Attention Effect - summary
Redundancy effect: introduction
Introduction to the Redundancy Effect
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Redundancy effect: text
1. Redundant text - the problem
Resource: Going for gold GCSE problem solving
2. Redundant text - the solution?
Redundancy effect: useless talk
1. Useless talk - the problem
2. Useless talk - the solution?
3. A quick word about silence
Redundancy effect: visual overload
1. Visual overload - the problem
Research: Keep it Coherent: A Meta-Analysis of the Seductive Details Effect
2. Visual overload - the solution?
Redundancy effect: what are they thinking about?
1. A lesson...
2. Willingham's insights
Article: Students Remember ... What They Think About
Book: Why don't students like school?
3. Other examples
4. Real-life contexts
Research: When Do Girls Prefer Football to Fashion? An analysis of female underachievement in relation to ‘realistic’ mathematic contexts
5. The worst I have ever seen
6. Seemed a good idea at the time
7. Motivation
Book: The hidden lives of learners
Blog: Motivating students about maths
Research: Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Investigation of Their Association
8. What I do now
Resource: sharing in a ratio
Website: SSDD Problems
9. Good contexts?
Activity: Angle battleships
Redundancy effect: summary
Redundancy effect - summary
Classroom displays
1. Two questions...
2. Issue 1 - Time
Link: Teacher workload survey 2016
3. Issue 2 - distraction - examples
4. Research into distractions
Research: Costs of Selective Attention: When Children Notice What Adults Miss
Research: Classroom displays - attraction or distraction? Evidence of impact on attention and learning from children with and without autism
Research: Visual Environment, Attention Allocation, and Learning in Young Children: When Too Much of a Good Thing May Be Bad Thing
5. Alternate views
Research: Clever classrooms : Summary report of the HEAD project
6. Issue 3 - effect on memory - examples
7. Research into the effect on memory
Research: Strengthening the student toolbox
8. Knowledge organisers
Resource: Knowledge organisers
LINK: Knowledge organisers from Colleen Young
9. Different ideas outside of the classroom
10. If I had no money
11. If I had loads of money
12. It's catching on
13. Displays - reflection
Focusing thinking: summary
Focusing thinking summary
Resource: Cognitive load theory in practice
Useful links from others: Cognitive Load Theory
Article: Story of a research program
Article: Cognitive Load Theory and its classroom applications
Video: John Sweller - ACE Conference/researchED Melbourne
Blog: Free cognitive load theory resources
Podcast series: A conversation with John Sweller
researchED Durrington 2020 Clare Sealy: Memory and Cognitive Overload - a practical session
Research: From Cognitive Load Theory to Collaborative Cognitive Load Theory
Useful links from others: Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: Mayer's Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Blog: Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning summary
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Useful links from others: Dual-Coding Theory
Video: Adam Boxer - Dual Coding for Teachers Who Can’t Draw: Improving Every Teacher’s Explanations
Video: An introduction to Dual Coding Theory
Video and Q&A: Dual Coding To Organise Ideas
Free Course: Dual Coding by Oliver Caviglioli (Seneca Learning)
Resource: Dual-coding course module diagrams by Oliver Caviglioli
Blog: Dual Coding Mistakes
1. Where to next?
2. My online courses
My online courses
Feedback form
Course certificate
Useful links - from me
My research paper collection
Book: How I wish I'd taught maths
Book: Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain
Mr Barton Maths website
Mr Barton Maths Podcast
Diagnostic Questions
Variation Theory
SSDD Problems
Maths Venns
9. Different ideas outside of the classroom
9. Different ideas outside of the classroom
1. Focusing thinking
Buy now
Learn more
1. Introduction to the course
Image: My model of a Learning Episode
2. The benefits of online courses
3. Getting the most out of the course
4. Where are you at?
Three theories
1. A word of warning
2. A simple model of memory
3. Learning is a change in long-term memory
Research: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work
4. Cognitive Load Theory
5. Cognitive overload
6. A common misunderstanding
7. Two criticisms of Cognitive Load Theory
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 1
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 2
Podcast: Jules Daulby
8. Cognitive Load Theory in other subjects
Document: Cognitive load theory in practice
9. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
10. Dual-Coding Theory
11. Do you want to know more?
Five big lessons
Lesson 1 - the difference between learning and performance
Research: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review
Lesson 2 - problem solving may not be an effective learning strategy
Research: Consequences of history-cued and means-end strategies in problem solving
Lesson 3 - working memory needs to be filled with the right stuff
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Lesson 4 - successful thinking requires knowledge in long-term memory
Research: ACT: A simple theory of complex cognition
Lesson 5 - silly mistakes might not be silly
Five big lessons - reflection
Practical changes: introduction
The modality principle
1. The modality principle - what is the problem?
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
2. The modality principle - what is the solution?
Link: Tim Brzezinski's GeoGebra resources
Link: mathwarehouse.com
3. Does this mean we cannot write things down???
Split-attention effect: introduction
Introduction to the Split-Attention Effect
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
Split-attention effect: text and diagrams
1. Text and diagrams - the problem
Resource: AQA GCSE topic tests
2. Text and diagrams - the solution?
3. The modality principle and split-attention effect combined
Split-attention effect: useful talk
1. Useful talk - the problem
2. Useful talk - the solution?
Split-attention effect: teacher movement
1. Movement - the problem
2. Movement - the solution?
Split-attention effect: summary
Split-Attention Effect - summary
Redundancy effect: introduction
Introduction to the Redundancy Effect
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Redundancy effect: text
1. Redundant text - the problem
Resource: Going for gold GCSE problem solving
2. Redundant text - the solution?
Redundancy effect: useless talk
1. Useless talk - the problem
2. Useless talk - the solution?
3. A quick word about silence
Redundancy effect: visual overload
1. Visual overload - the problem
Research: Keep it Coherent: A Meta-Analysis of the Seductive Details Effect
2. Visual overload - the solution?
Redundancy effect: what are they thinking about?
1. A lesson...
2. Willingham's insights
Article: Students Remember ... What They Think About
Book: Why don't students like school?
3. Other examples
4. Real-life contexts
Research: When Do Girls Prefer Football to Fashion? An analysis of female underachievement in relation to ‘realistic’ mathematic contexts
5. The worst I have ever seen
6. Seemed a good idea at the time
7. Motivation
Book: The hidden lives of learners
Blog: Motivating students about maths
Research: Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Investigation of Their Association
8. What I do now
Resource: sharing in a ratio
Website: SSDD Problems
9. Good contexts?
Activity: Angle battleships
Redundancy effect: summary
Redundancy effect - summary
Classroom displays
1. Two questions...
2. Issue 1 - Time
Link: Teacher workload survey 2016
3. Issue 2 - distraction - examples
4. Research into distractions
Research: Costs of Selective Attention: When Children Notice What Adults Miss
Research: Classroom displays - attraction or distraction? Evidence of impact on attention and learning from children with and without autism
Research: Visual Environment, Attention Allocation, and Learning in Young Children: When Too Much of a Good Thing May Be Bad Thing
5. Alternate views
Research: Clever classrooms : Summary report of the HEAD project
6. Issue 3 - effect on memory - examples
7. Research into the effect on memory
Research: Strengthening the student toolbox
8. Knowledge organisers
Resource: Knowledge organisers
LINK: Knowledge organisers from Colleen Young
9. Different ideas outside of the classroom
10. If I had no money
11. If I had loads of money
12. It's catching on
13. Displays - reflection
Focusing thinking: summary
Focusing thinking summary
Resource: Cognitive load theory in practice
Useful links from others: Cognitive Load Theory
Article: Story of a research program
Article: Cognitive Load Theory and its classroom applications
Video: John Sweller - ACE Conference/researchED Melbourne
Blog: Free cognitive load theory resources
Podcast series: A conversation with John Sweller
researchED Durrington 2020 Clare Sealy: Memory and Cognitive Overload - a practical session
Research: From Cognitive Load Theory to Collaborative Cognitive Load Theory
Useful links from others: Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: Mayer's Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Blog: Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning summary
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Useful links from others: Dual-Coding Theory
Video: Adam Boxer - Dual Coding for Teachers Who Can’t Draw: Improving Every Teacher’s Explanations
Video: An introduction to Dual Coding Theory
Video and Q&A: Dual Coding To Organise Ideas
Free Course: Dual Coding by Oliver Caviglioli (Seneca Learning)
Resource: Dual-coding course module diagrams by Oliver Caviglioli
Blog: Dual Coding Mistakes
1. Where to next?
2. My online courses
My online courses
Feedback form
Course certificate
Useful links - from me
My research paper collection
Book: How I wish I'd taught maths
Book: Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain
Mr Barton Maths website
Mr Barton Maths Podcast
Diagnostic Questions
Variation Theory
SSDD Problems
Maths Venns
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