1. Focusing thinking
Buy now
Learn more
1. Introduction to the course
Image: My model of a Learning Episode
2. The benefits of online courses
3. Getting the most out of the course
4. Where are you at?
Three theories
1. A word of warning
2. A simple model of memory
3. Learning is a change in long-term memory
Research: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work
4. Cognitive Load Theory
5. Cognitive overload
6. A common misunderstanding
7. Two criticisms of Cognitive Load Theory
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 1
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 2
Podcast: Jules Daulby
8. Cognitive Load Theory in other subjects
Document: Cognitive load theory in practice
9. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
10. Dual-Coding Theory
11. Do you want to know more?
Five big lessons
Lesson 1 - the difference between learning and performance
Research: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review
Lesson 2 - problem solving may not be an effective learning strategy
Research: Consequences of history-cued and means-end strategies in problem solving
Lesson 3 - working memory needs to be filled with the right stuff
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Lesson 4 - successful thinking requires knowledge in long-term memory
Research: ACT: A simple theory of complex cognition
Lesson 5 - silly mistakes might not be silly
Five big lessons - reflection
Practical changes: introduction
The modality principle
1. The modality principle - what is the problem?
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
2. The modality principle - what is the solution?
Link: Tim Brzezinski's GeoGebra resources
Link: mathwarehouse.com
3. Does this mean we cannot write things down???
Split-attention effect: introduction
Introduction to the Split-Attention Effect
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
Split-attention effect: text and diagrams
1. Text and diagrams - the problem
Resource: AQA GCSE topic tests
2. Text and diagrams - the solution?
3. The modality principle and split-attention effect combined
Split-attention effect: useful talk
1. Useful talk - the problem
2. Useful talk - the solution?
Split-attention effect: teacher movement
1. Movement - the problem
2. Movement - the solution?
Split-attention effect: summary
Split-Attention Effect - summary
Redundancy effect: introduction
Introduction to the Redundancy Effect
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Redundancy effect: text
1. Redundant text - the problem
Resource: Going for gold GCSE problem solving
2. Redundant text - the solution?
Redundancy effect: useless talk
1. Useless talk - the problem
2. Useless talk - the solution?
3. A quick word about silence
Redundancy effect: visual overload
1. Visual overload - the problem
Research: Keep it Coherent: A Meta-Analysis of the Seductive Details Effect
2. Visual overload - the solution?
Redundancy effect: what are they thinking about?
1. A lesson...
2. Willingham's insights
Article: Students Remember ... What They Think About
Book: Why don't students like school?
3. Other examples
4. Real-life contexts
Research: When Do Girls Prefer Football to Fashion? An analysis of female underachievement in relation to ‘realistic’ mathematic contexts
5. The worst I have ever seen
6. Seemed a good idea at the time
7. Motivation
Book: The hidden lives of learners
Blog: Motivating students about maths
Research: Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Investigation of Their Association
8. What I do now
Resource: sharing in a ratio
Website: SSDD Problems
9. Good contexts?
Activity: Angle battleships
Redundancy effect: summary
Redundancy effect - summary
Classroom displays
1. Two questions...
2. Issue 1 - Time
Link: Teacher workload survey 2016
3. Issue 2 - distraction - examples
4. Research into distractions
Research: Costs of Selective Attention: When Children Notice What Adults Miss
Research: Classroom displays - attraction or distraction? Evidence of impact on attention and learning from children with and without autism
Research: Visual Environment, Attention Allocation, and Learning in Young Children: When Too Much of a Good Thing May Be Bad Thing
5. Alternate views
Research: Clever classrooms : Summary report of the HEAD project
6. Issue 3 - effect on memory - examples
7. Research into the effect on memory
Research: Strengthening the student toolbox
8. Knowledge organisers
Resource: Knowledge organisers
LINK: Knowledge organisers from Colleen Young
9. Different ideas outside of the classroom
10. If I had no money
11. If I had loads of money
12. It's catching on
13. Displays - reflection
Focusing thinking: summary
Focusing thinking summary
Resource: Cognitive load theory in practice
Useful links from others: Cognitive Load Theory
Article: Story of a research program
Article: Cognitive Load Theory and its classroom applications
Video: John Sweller - ACE Conference/researchED Melbourne
Blog: Free cognitive load theory resources
Podcast series: A conversation with John Sweller
researchED Durrington 2020 Clare Sealy: Memory and Cognitive Overload - a practical session
Research: From Cognitive Load Theory to Collaborative Cognitive Load Theory
Useful links from others: Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: Mayer's Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Blog: Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning summary
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Useful links from others: Dual-Coding Theory
Video: Adam Boxer - Dual Coding for Teachers Who Can’t Draw: Improving Every Teacher’s Explanations
Video: An introduction to Dual Coding Theory
Video and Q&A: Dual Coding To Organise Ideas
Free Course: Dual Coding by Oliver Caviglioli (Seneca Learning)
Resource: Dual-coding course module diagrams by Oliver Caviglioli
Blog: Dual Coding Mistakes
1. Where to next?
2. My online courses
My online courses
Feedback form
Course certificate
Useful links - from me
My research paper collection
Book: How I wish I'd taught maths
Book: Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain
Mr Barton Maths website
Mr Barton Maths Podcast
Diagnostic Questions
Variation Theory
SSDD Problems
Maths Venns
Research: Costs of Selective Attention: When Children Notice What Adults Miss
Research: Costs of Selective Attention: When Children Notice What Adults Miss
1. Focusing thinking
Buy now
Learn more
1. Introduction to the course
Image: My model of a Learning Episode
2. The benefits of online courses
3. Getting the most out of the course
4. Where are you at?
Three theories
1. A word of warning
2. A simple model of memory
3. Learning is a change in long-term memory
Research: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work
4. Cognitive Load Theory
5. Cognitive overload
6. A common misunderstanding
7. Two criticisms of Cognitive Load Theory
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 1
Podcast: Helen Williams - part 2
Podcast: Jules Daulby
8. Cognitive Load Theory in other subjects
Document: Cognitive load theory in practice
9. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
10. Dual-Coding Theory
11. Do you want to know more?
Five big lessons
Lesson 1 - the difference between learning and performance
Research: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review
Lesson 2 - problem solving may not be an effective learning strategy
Research: Consequences of history-cued and means-end strategies in problem solving
Lesson 3 - working memory needs to be filled with the right stuff
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Lesson 4 - successful thinking requires knowledge in long-term memory
Research: ACT: A simple theory of complex cognition
Lesson 5 - silly mistakes might not be silly
Five big lessons - reflection
Practical changes: introduction
The modality principle
1. The modality principle - what is the problem?
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
2. The modality principle - what is the solution?
Link: Tim Brzezinski's GeoGebra resources
Link: mathwarehouse.com
3. Does this mean we cannot write things down???
Split-attention effect: introduction
Introduction to the Split-Attention Effect
Research: Reducing Cognitive Load by Mixing Auditory and Visual Presentation Modes
Split-attention effect: text and diagrams
1. Text and diagrams - the problem
Resource: AQA GCSE topic tests
2. Text and diagrams - the solution?
3. The modality principle and split-attention effect combined
Split-attention effect: useful talk
1. Useful talk - the problem
2. Useful talk - the solution?
Split-attention effect: teacher movement
1. Movement - the problem
2. Movement - the solution?
Split-attention effect: summary
Split-Attention Effect - summary
Redundancy effect: introduction
Introduction to the Redundancy Effect
Research: Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design
Redundancy effect: text
1. Redundant text - the problem
Resource: Going for gold GCSE problem solving
2. Redundant text - the solution?
Redundancy effect: useless talk
1. Useless talk - the problem
2. Useless talk - the solution?
3. A quick word about silence
Redundancy effect: visual overload
1. Visual overload - the problem
Research: Keep it Coherent: A Meta-Analysis of the Seductive Details Effect
2. Visual overload - the solution?
Redundancy effect: what are they thinking about?
1. A lesson...
2. Willingham's insights
Article: Students Remember ... What They Think About
Book: Why don't students like school?
3. Other examples
4. Real-life contexts
Research: When Do Girls Prefer Football to Fashion? An analysis of female underachievement in relation to ‘realistic’ mathematic contexts
5. The worst I have ever seen
6. Seemed a good idea at the time
7. Motivation
Book: The hidden lives of learners
Blog: Motivating students about maths
Research: Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Mathematics in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Investigation of Their Association
8. What I do now
Resource: sharing in a ratio
Website: SSDD Problems
9. Good contexts?
Activity: Angle battleships
Redundancy effect: summary
Redundancy effect - summary
Classroom displays
1. Two questions...
2. Issue 1 - Time
Link: Teacher workload survey 2016
3. Issue 2 - distraction - examples
4. Research into distractions
Research: Costs of Selective Attention: When Children Notice What Adults Miss
Research: Classroom displays - attraction or distraction? Evidence of impact on attention and learning from children with and without autism
Research: Visual Environment, Attention Allocation, and Learning in Young Children: When Too Much of a Good Thing May Be Bad Thing
5. Alternate views
Research: Clever classrooms : Summary report of the HEAD project
6. Issue 3 - effect on memory - examples
7. Research into the effect on memory
Research: Strengthening the student toolbox
8. Knowledge organisers
Resource: Knowledge organisers
LINK: Knowledge organisers from Colleen Young
9. Different ideas outside of the classroom
10. If I had no money
11. If I had loads of money
12. It's catching on
13. Displays - reflection
Focusing thinking: summary
Focusing thinking summary
Resource: Cognitive load theory in practice
Useful links from others: Cognitive Load Theory
Article: Story of a research program
Article: Cognitive Load Theory and its classroom applications
Video: John Sweller - ACE Conference/researchED Melbourne
Blog: Free cognitive load theory resources
Podcast series: A conversation with John Sweller
researchED Durrington 2020 Clare Sealy: Memory and Cognitive Overload - a practical session
Research: From Cognitive Load Theory to Collaborative Cognitive Load Theory
Useful links from others: Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: Mayer's Theory of Multimedia Learning
Video: How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Blog: Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning summary
Research: Research‐Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
Useful links from others: Dual-Coding Theory
Video: Adam Boxer - Dual Coding for Teachers Who Can’t Draw: Improving Every Teacher’s Explanations
Video: An introduction to Dual Coding Theory
Video and Q&A: Dual Coding To Organise Ideas
Free Course: Dual Coding by Oliver Caviglioli (Seneca Learning)
Resource: Dual-coding course module diagrams by Oliver Caviglioli
Blog: Dual Coding Mistakes
1. Where to next?
2. My online courses
My online courses
Feedback form
Course certificate
Useful links - from me
My research paper collection
Book: How I wish I'd taught maths
Book: Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain
Mr Barton Maths website
Mr Barton Maths Podcast
Diagnostic Questions
Variation Theory
SSDD Problems
Maths Venns
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